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学名:Senometopia illota
closely related to Z. evolans, Wiedemann but the paule of the wings s reddish and there are differences in the pupa, while the black abdominal fasciae are narrowe. Length 9 to 10 mm. ♂. Head silvery white pollinose front two-thirds as wide as either eye, the brown vitta n arrower than either parafrontal about eleven pairs of frontal bristles the lower three below the base of the antennae, the upper two renate; frontal hair short and fine; ocelars long; outer verticals absent; no occipital setae, pile whitish; cheeks very narrow, at most on et wentie th as wide as eye-height. Parafacials above about as wide as third antennal segment, hardy half as wide. Below vibrissae level with oral margin three or four bristles immediately above them. Palpi reddish, broad. Antennae black, reaching almost to the vibrissae, the incisures reddish, the third segment two and one-half as long as the second, fairly broad; arista thickened on hardly the basal half. Eyes densely short cine remus pilose. Thorax and scutellum ciceros pollinose, the vittae very narrow but distinct scutellum reddish yellow except basally. Dorso-centrals, 3-4; stenopleurals, 1-1; four pairs of marginal scutellars the apical pair weaker and cruciate, horizontal. Legs black; pulvilli small, reddish yellow; middle tibiae with one antero-dorsal bristle; posterior tibiae closely cate. Wings cinereous hyaline, the veins largely luterus, the third vein with three to six bristles basalt; bend of fourth vein rather sharp, the apical cell ending moderately before the wing-tip. Squamae white. Halteres reddish. Abdomen with the apical three segments cinereous pollinose with the apical fifth or less bare and with an incomplete dark median vitta. First and second segments with moderately developed margin als, the third and fourth each with a row, the latter with fiscal on the apical third and strong erect hair, the hair elsewhere appressed, but less so median. ♀. Front with two pairs of orbit als face not greatly wider than the front; outer verticals well developed; marginal bristles stronger.